Friday, April 16, 2010

How To Work In Safe mode In Windows XP/Vista

How To Work in Safe Mode

The first reaction to troubleshoot any system problem in windows is to boot into safe mode and troubleshoot it. Now in safe mode only those drivers and files are loaded which are essential to run windows. Since most drivers that control screen resolution and display colors are not loaded, safe mode looks very ugly with a resolution of 800×600.

So is there any tweak which can force windows to start safe mode in normal resolution?

Here’s the trick by which you can force windows to load normal graphic drivers even in the safe mode, thus displaying everything with normal resolution and color.

For Windows XP
Step 1. Right click on your desktop and click on properties.
Step 2. Click the Settings tab. Now, Under Screen Resolution, drag the pointer to the right and choose the appropriate screen resolution.

Step 3. Do not press Apply at this time. Click on Advanced, and then click OK without modifying anything. The Monitor Settings dialog box prompt will appear saying that desktop settings have been changed etc. Click on Yes to keep these new settings.

For Windows Vista
Step 1. Right click on your desktop and click on Personalise.
Step 2. Click on Display Settings tab. Now, Under Screen Resolution, drag the pointer to the right and choose the appropriate screen resolution.

Step 3. Do not press Apply at this time. Click on Advanced, and then click OK without modifying anything. The Monitor Settings dialog box prompt will appear saying that desktop settings have been changed etc. Click on Yes to keep these new settings.

That’s it. You have successfully changed the screen resolution and display colors even for safe mode. No more eye strains while working in safe mode

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